Wednesday, April 29, 2009

World Barista Competition on Colbert Report!

Stephen Colbert jokingly takes a look into the world of WBC...and laughs at *bucks....comparing them to Footlocker employees!

Carrboro Coffee Roastery Owner / Head Judge interviewed on CNN for 2009 World Barista Competition

Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC – World Barista Certified (WBC) coffee professional Scott Conary served as a Head Judge at the World Competition on 4/16-19, at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, during the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s (SCAA) Annual Convention; the largest gathering of coffee professionals in the U.S.

CNN Link can be found here:

Scott certified to judge by having passed the intense 2 day certification course. Scott is one of only 7 judges from the U.S. to have passed the certification class, and the only judge from NC.
Scott has lived in Carrboro/Chapel Hill since 1995, and has made it his mission to the community he lives in, and the coffee community at large, in his work to marry quality with sustainability by creating “Carrboro’s Living Room” in the Open Eye Café; a luxurious European Garden Café in Caffe Driade, and by sourcing & roasting the best quality coffee the world has to offer, as Carrboro Coffee Roasters.

Scott has been active in judging these coffee competitions since 2003 where he judged the first Southeast Regional Competition that took place in Southern Season’s cooking classroom in Chapel Hill.

Scott has been a WBC judge for the last three years: Berne, Switzerland in 2007; Tokyo, Japan in 2008 where he served as a Head Judge; and Copenhagen, Denmark in 2008; making this years Championship in Atlanta his 4th.
He has also served as a Judge for the Guatemalan, Canadian & Honduran National Barista Competitions in 2007 & 2008, as well as being a current member of the SCAA United Stated Barista Competition (USBC) Committee & Judges Certification Committee.

All Barista competitions worldwide reward demonstrated excellence in the art and skill of preparing and serving espresso. Entrants must make 12 beverages, including four espressos, four cappuccinos and four original signature drinks of their own creation, within 15 minutes in front of a panel of accomplished & certified industry judges. Competitors are based on taste, beverage presentation, technical skills, coffee knowledge and passion, and overall impression.

WBC info:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Local Barista from Open Eye Cafe featured in new coffee book

3 Local Barista from Open Eye Cafe & Caffe Driade have been featured in a new book
by Michael Turback entitled Coffee Drinks
(published by 10 Speed Press, a premiere publisher out of Berkeley, CA).

The book features that ultimate expression of unique coffee creations, The Signature Drink - using espresso and unique culinary components -that have been featured in National & Regional Barista Competitions across the U.S. and beyond.

These drinks, according to the guidelines of the competition, are visually stunning, amazingly creative, and best of all, complete knockouts when it comes to taste...specifically the careful balance in blending espresso and the flavors of the components the Barista decides to utilize.

3 drinks featured in the book came from Baristi that work at Scott Conary's Carrboro/ Chapel Hill Cafe's, and were selected for all the reasons above, but also because the Barista finished high overall in the competitions where these drinks were featured!

Lena Abed of the Open Eye Cafe featured her drink, The Kiva Han - 2nd Place Southeast Regional Barista Competition - 2005.

Erik Karlsson of Caffe Driade featured his drink, Swedish Coffee "Cake" - 6th place Southeast Regional Barista Competition 2005.

Elizabeth Justus co-owner of Open Eye Cafe featured her drink the Macchiato Brule which utilized twin brule torches to great effect- 2nd Place Southeast Regional Barista Competition 2003.

Scott Conary, Owner of Open Eye Cafe, Caffe Driade & Carrboro Coffee Company (Chapel Hill & Carrboro's ONLY Coffee Roastery), & International Barista Judge, aided writer Michael Turback (10 Speed Press) with his new book "Coffee Drinks", which has been published and is available for sale.

Michael acknowledges Mr. Conary in helping him compile the drinks and in learning the general knowledge of coffee, and specifically, espresso in regards to the Barista culture, including Barista Competitions.

Mr. Turback notes that in regards to these competitions, "nowhere is coffee more imaginatively explored or more elegantly presented", and that recipe contributors include "notable coffee purveyors and a highly competitive cadre of award winning baristas...who raise the bar and then they jump over it..." .

While meant to highlight the craftsmanship and artisan sensibilities of the Barista & their creations, the book also features easy to follow recipes and descriptions that are accessible to the home brewer/Barista.

The drinks are described both for content and the background or historical context for their creation; such as Lena Abed's Kiva Han, named for the first coffee shop in Constantinople. Her drink echoes the flavors of her Lebanese heritage, featuring cardamom & cinnamon.

for more info on Barista Competitons, coffee in general or the book itself, please contact Scott Conary at


Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC – Local World Barista Certified (WBC) coffee professional Scott Conary is off to judge the World Competition, after having passed the intense 2 day certification course.

Scott is one of only 7 judges from the U.S. to have passed the certification class, and the only judge from North Carolina.

45 total judges passed the certification from 5 classes held around the world, to be the most accomplished and tested judging pool the competition has seen since its 2000 creation.

Certification courses were held in Guatemala City, Guatemala; Long Beach CA, USA; Melbourne, Australia; Stockholm, Sweden; & Nairobi, Kenya.

2009 WBC takes place 4/16-19 at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, during the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s (SCAA) Annual Convention; the largest gathering of coffee professionals in the U.S.

Scott has been active in judging these coffee competitions since 2003 where he judged the first Southeast Regional Competition that took place in Southern Season’s cooking classroom in Chapel Hill, NC.

Scott has been a WBC judge for the last three years: Berne, Switzerland in 2007; Tokyo, Japan in 2008 where he served as a Head Judge; and Copenhagen, Denmark in 2008; making this years Championship in Atlanta his 4th.

He has also served as a Judge for the Guatemalan, Canadian & Honduran National Barista Competitions in 2008 & 2009, as well as being a current member of the SCAA United Stated Barista Competition (USBC) Committee.

All Barista competitions worldwide reward demonstrated excellence in the art and skill of preparing and serving espresso. Entrants must make 12 beverages, including four espressos, four cappuccinos and four original signature drinks of their own creation, within 15 minutes in front of a panel of accomplished & certified industry judges. Competitors are based on taste, beverage presentation, technical skills, coffee knowledge and passion, and overall impression.

Those that might be interested in learning more about coffee and related subjects should consider taking either one of his training courses, or coming to the monthly free classes at the Open Eye Café, called the Learning Series; where topics will cycle thru various aspects of the coffee/tea industry and beyond. Visit the Open Eye Café website for topics and dates ( ). You can also contact him directly at