Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Free PBS Community Film Screening at Open Eye Cafe

Groundbreaking Free Community Screenings of PBS Programming Launches Fourth Season in Chapel Hill / Carrboro at Open Eye Café.
Community Cinema Screening Series Brings Local Perspective to National Issues with Feature Films on Racial Injustice, Gang Warfare, America's National Debt and the Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy, Among Others.
The Independent Television Service (ITVS), co-presenter of the Emmy Award–winning PBS series Independent Lens, today announced a fourth consecutive season of its groundbreaking Community Cinema program.
A free monthly screening series engaging communities through film, Community Cinema connects people with local resources and organizations, such as Open Eye Café, on important social issues in more than 50 cities across the country.
Once a month from September through May, Community Cinema presents preview screenings of nine Independent Lens episodes in key cultural and civic spaces across the country.

The Community Cinema screenings in Chapel Hill / Carrboro take place at Open Eye Café in Downtown Carrboro. Each screening is followed by a lively panel discussion or other presentation that showcases local community organizations, resources and opportunities to get involved.

Screenings take place about one month prior to the national television broadcast of each film on PBS. The Film Series will be shown at Open Eye Café every 2nd Thursday of the month Panel discussion to follow. More info

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